By Sean O'Neill and Dan Olmstead
Install HOBOConnect
Search for the HOBOConnect app in the Apple Store or Google Play on your smart device. Install and open the HOBOConnect app.
Sign into HOBOlink or create a new account
In HOBOConnect, choose the Settings tab.
Create a new HOBOlink account
If you do not have a HOBOlink account, select Create New Account in the HOBOConnect app. Complete the popup form, activate your new HOBOlink account, and return to the HOBOConnect app.
Connect your HOBOlink account to HOBOConnect
In the HOBOConnect app, select Connect Account and login to HOBOlink to sync between the two.
Sync your MX logger with the HOBOConnect app
Select Devices from HOBOConnect menu. The HOBOConnect app will wirelessly search for your MX Data Logger. If the MX data logger is not detected after 2 minutes, press the button on the front of your your MX data logger.
Choose your HOBO MX Data Logger in the HOBOConnect app
Select your MX logger device from the list provided by the HOBOConnect app.
Configure your HOBO MX Data Logger in the HOBOConnect app
In the HOBOConnect app, select Configure and Start. Give your device a unique name. Set Logging Interval to 10 minutes. Scroll down and press Start.
Download data from your HOBO MX Data Logger using the HOBOConnect app
In the HOBOConnect app, while viewing your selected MX Logger device home screen, select Download Data. The HOBOConnect app will download all data gathered since your last connection to your device. Do not close your app while data are still being transferred from the MX Data Logger to your HOBOConnect app. When the HOBOConnect app completes this process, the data just collected from your logger will be automatically uploaded to your HOBOlink account from the HOBOConnect app.